Spiritual sense

In a spiritual sense, because horns are associated with the head, they
represent intellectual as well as supernatural power. Because they rise above
the head, they also symbolize Divinity and the power of the soul. The Horn
of Plenty or cornucopia symbolizes gifts from the Gods. The Gate of Horn
was a classical concept – dreams that passed through this portal were said to
be terrifying but true.

Psychological / emotional perspective

Horns in a dream suggest superiority, either earned or conferred. It is
interesting that horns are supposed to bestow the powers of the animal on
the wearer. In Pagan times, as well as some tribes today, the donning of horns
signifies a particularly senior position within the tribe. Often the wearer is a
shaman who, through dreams, can connect with other realms. In Chinese
medicine, rhinoceros horn is reputed to be an aphrodisiac. This is possibly
because of its association with masculine power. All of these significances, as
we become more aware, can appear in dreams.

Common meanings

Horns appearing in dreams hark back to the idea of the animal in the
human. The god Pan, who represents sexuality as well as life force, wore
horns and will appear in dreams as we become more aware of the power of
nature. A musical or hunting horn suggests a call to action or a warning in

Gender-specific meanings

In both men’s and women’s dreams a horn can also represent the penis
and masculinity
. Because it is penetrative, it can also signify the desire to
hurt. Protectiveness is also a quality of horns since the male animal will use
his horns to protect his territory.
You might also like to consult the entries for Animals, Antlers, Cornucopia, Gate
and Shaman.