Spiritual sense

Immobility in the spiritual sense is dynamic stillness. It is The
Unconditioned State, or the Self, liberated from the physical. In Sanskrit this
is known as pratyahara – withdrawal from the external world into
the interior self.

Psychological / emotional perspective

To be immobilized in a dream usually indicates that we have created
circumstances around us which are now beginning to trap us. Often such a
dream comes when we are facing the darker side of ourselves – that which
could be called evil. A superhuman effort needs to be made to overcome what
is holding us down.

Common meanings

Immobility in a dream can be extremely frightening. A feeling of
oppression and of not being able to move usually indicates that we need to
sit still and be immobile within our ordinary everyday lives. We need
to achieve a kind of stillness which is foreign to most people,
and therefore initially frightening, while later on it can be a state of peace
and tranquility.

Also consult the entry for Paralysis.