Spiritual meaning of bean in dreams

The bean can signify immortality and magical power, containing as it
does the potential for life and manifestation.

Psychological meanings

Psychologically the bean can represent stored potential. We have the
ability to tap into it to achieve whatever we want. Traditionally the bean was
supposed to be capable of feeding, clothing and providing an object of
exchange for barter.

Common meanings

To be storing beans in a dream may show a fear of failure or a lack of
confidence in our ability to carry through an objective at this point. We may,
however, need to create something in the future. To be planting beans would
suggest faith in the future and a wish to create something useful.

Gender-specific meanings

In a man’s dream the bean suggests the life force, whereas in a woman’s
dream it will signify her own fertility.
Consult the entries on Garden, Gardener and Plants.