Spiritual sense

The knot symbolizes spiritual continuity or connection. It suggests a
pause, perhaps for contemplation or assessment. As something to hold, a
knot suggests capturing a fleeting idea or concept.

Psychological / emotional perspective

A simple knot seen in a dream could represent the need to take a
different direction in a project. A more complex knot could indicate
that we are bound to a situation by a sense of duty or guilt. Ultimately the
only way to escape from such restraint is by loosening the ties in our
relationship with someone else, or with a work situation.

Common meanings

A knot is one of the most interesting symbols to appear in dreams, since
it can have so many meanings.Negatively, particularly if it is seen as a tangle,
it can represent an unsolvable problem or difficulty. The answer can only be
‘teased out’ gradually. Positively, a knot can represent the ties or bonds that
we have to family, partner, friends or work.

Gender-specific meanings

In a man’s dream tying the knot is likely to have some aspect of being
restrained or bound to a partner. In a woman’s dream it is more likely to
represent commitment.

You might also like to consult the entry for Tangle.