Spiritual sense

A table can represent spiritual judgement and legislation. As a dividing
line between those with authority and those without, it signifies a barrier
to be crossed.

Psychological / emotional perspective

To dream of dealing with a table or list of objects, or perhaps actions,
instils a sense of order in our lives. It represents our ability to create order out
of chaos. In sitting around a table if rectangular the top end will suggest
higher status than the bottom end.

Common meanings

A table being a focus for meeting, whether socially or professionally, is
usually recognized in dreams as a symbol of decision making. There can be
an element of ritual associated with the image of a table. As a place for a
family rendezvous, we may consider meals eaten around a table to be an
important aspect of family life. In business and professional terms, the
boardroom table can also introduce an element of ritual around it such as
hierarchy of position.

You might also like to consult the entries for Altar, Furniture / Furnishings , Rite /
Ritual and Round Table.